I was just talking to Jim Holmes, spokesperson for Regina Water Watch, the group behind the petition I’ve been writing about all day, and he says that he’s been getting phone calls today from people who’ve received a robocall about waste water plant and the RWW petition.
According to Holmes, it didn’t sound like the calls were a push-poll — that is, an automated telephone poll that doesn’t actually collect data but rather uses leading questions to push a particular agenda.
Apparently, the poll is asking people if they’re aware of the plans for the waste water treatment plant upgrade and that it’ll be done using a public private partnership; if they’re aware of the petition about the P3 and that it was recently rejected by the city clerk’s office; and, if they are in favour of building the waste water treatment plant using a P3.
Now, remember! I’m getting all this second hand! There may have been more questions to this robocall and they were definitely phrased very differently from how I’ve represented them here.
If you’ve received a robocall about the waste water petition then I have to ask, why haven’t you e-mailed me? Maybe because you don’t know my e-mail address? It’s pauld {at} prairiedogmag.com. Drop me a line and let me know what questions you were asked.
Holmes says no one has any idea who exactly is behind the robocalls. Could be city hall, gathering data to drop at tomorrow night’s city council meeting. During his press conference on Friday, Mayor Fougere did say he was going to spend the weekend “talking to people.” So maybe that’s what’s going on? Or maybe it’s the Chamber of Commerce or one of the companies that’s planning to bid on the P3?
Oh, it’s all so mysterious! How exciting!