At the time this blog post was written the line-up for the 2013 JazzFest Regina which runs June 12-16 at various indoor and outdoor venues had yet to be finalized. You can find out more information here, but four events that had been confirmed are:
(i) a concert by Royal Wood at Ramada Plaza on Friday, June 14 with a warm-up act starting at 7 p.m. (tickets $30)
(ii) a concert by Jeri Brown at Ramada Plaza on Saturday, June 15 with a warm-up act starting at 7 p.m. (tickets $25)
(iii) a Father’s Day Brunch featuring entertainment by Kaitlyn Semple at Ramada Plaza on June 16 at 11 a.m. (tickets Adults $40, Seniors & Students $35, Children 14 and under $30.)