It seems that the star of Orphan Black, Tatiana Maslany has signed on voice a character in the upcoming animated web series adaptation of Captain Canuck. According to the Hollywood Reporter Maslany is voicing an unspecified role. The role of Captain Canuck will be voiced by Kris Holden-Reid, who plays a werewolf on the Showcase television series Lost Girl.
The article also mentions that Mind’s Eye Entertainment is also working on a live action movie based on Captain Canuck. It seems that Mind’s Eye announced this back in 2011 and hasn’t made much progress since. That could be a good thing. There is a nostalgic cult following for the good captain. There isn’t a lot of Canadian superheros out there but I was never that interested in a Captain America knock-off. The comics weren’t very good either but that isn’t say that good cartoon or movie couldn’t be made about Captain Canuck, I just kind of doubt it.