Hey there sports fans! In the spirit of sassiness and sweet tunes photographer Kim Jay and I are making the mighty trek to The Gorge, Washington, USA to take in the four-day Sasquatch Music Festival.
Reputably one of the most laid back, accessible music festivals for Canadians to enjoy (Canadian beer brand Kokanee is the major beer sponsor) Sasquatch Music Festival plays home to cool evening temperatures and beautiful scenery. The natural amphitheatre nestled amongst the curves of the Columbia River has potential to make for a most magical four days.
Bands including the Mumford and Sons, Elvis Costello & The Imposters, The Postal Service, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and Sigur Ros are at the head of a lineup rich in indie sensations and staples alike.
Here are some of Kim Jay’s preview photos from last year and make sure to check back with the Dog Blog for more beautiful visuals and some interesting notes!