April is the polling month for Prairie Dog’s (amazing, awesome, annual) Best Of Food reader’s poll! I’m so excited that I’m showcasing one category every day until voting ends! Today the spotlight is on one of my favourite categories: Best Basic Breakfast!
Everyone loves a good, basic breakfast! You know who doesn’t? Me neither! People who hate puppies maybe? Screw them! Puppies rock! And so does breakfast!* Eggs, toast, bacon,** hash browns, pancakes, waffles, juice, maybe a fruit cup on the side and stuff like that!
But what place served Regina’s Best Basic Breakfast over the last year? Was it a restaurant? A hotel? A pub? A diner? Whaaaaat? Everyone needs to know! So vote here! The polls close Tuesday!
*IMPORTANT: Puppies = Rock, Breakfast = Rock, but Breakfast ≠ Puppies
**Tomatoes can often be substituted!