Freedom to Read Week is being celebrated in 2013 from Feb. 24-March 2. For the next three days the RPL Film Theatre will be screening four films that explore issues around freedom of thought and expression. Here’s a breakdown:

Tonight at 9 p.m. Howl is screening. It stars James Franco as the American beat poet Allen Ginsberg whose breakthrough poem was labelled obscene because of its racy counter-culture subject matter. Screening at 7 p.m. tonight is This Film Is Not Yet Rated . It’s a documentary by Kirby Dick that examines the MPAA film rating system that can really wreak havoc with the ability of filmmakers and studio to distribute films with content that the MPAA regards as controversial.

Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. and Feb. 3 at 9 p.m. there’s a documentary about the use of propaganda in the totalitarian state of North Korea called Kimjongilia,  then at 9 p.m. and 7 p.m. on those same two dates Capturing Reality is screening. It’s a 2008 Canadian film that explores the ethical challenges of searching for the truth in documentary filmmaking.

To give you a taste of the series, here’s the trailer for Howl: