The new Prairie Dog is out and as usual it’s packed with awesome stuff! Highlights: Paul Dechene’s report on the approval of a parking lot at the former site of 1755 Hamilton St. is a must-read about one of the most despicable decisions I’ve ever seen out of City Hall; James Brotheridge’s feature on the band July Talk feature is a great interview with a really great up-and-coming Canadian group that you should go see when they play the Exchange; Carle Steel has a terrific interview with a retirement-bound Costa Maragos; Gwynne Dyer has a mandatory piece on the 10-year anniversary of the Iraq invasion (spoiler alert: it was lethally stupid) and  John Cameron has a decent re-cap of the University Council meeting earlier this month. Oh, and Shane the movie listings guy finally gets his own regular column, amusingly called Hnetflix.

Here’s a photo of the new Prairie Dog to prove that it, unlike bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster and Saskatchewan’s balanced budget, actually does exist. It’s real! REEEEEEAL!

New Dog (march 21)

What else is in this issue? Lots of news briefs, some good letters to the editor, the latest* from Shuster award winning cartoonist Dakota McFadzean and Dan MacRae’s world-famous sports column Aw NHL Naw, plus News Quirks*, Top 6 columns*, some film reviews, Barking Dogs* and Queen City Confidential. And probably seven or eight things I forgot to mention.

Prairie Dog: it’s a good little paper and there’s nothing else like it in Regina! You should read it! It’s free!

*Print only! Ha!