Prairie Dog turned 20 yesterday! The real celebration, though, starts next week when our 20th anniversary issue hits the streets. And that issue will have LOTS of great stuff, including a special Card Of Supportapalooza!
Whatthepalooza is a Supportapalooza? It’s a chance for regular readers to write a birthday message to us in our paper and slip us a little cash to boot! What will we DO with this cash? Drunken rampage Why, we’ll spend it on the paper, of course: paying writers*, paying staff, paying printers, paying lawyers–that kind of stuff!
So far, 20 readers have bought messages! And you know what that means? Do you? DOOO YOU? It means 20 readers have PROVED that they love us!
It’s not to late for YOU to prove you love Prairie Dog! Although the deadline was yesterday, I’ve discovered that our sloppy IT department took the weekend off** and the Supportapalooza page is still active! Here’s the link. Write us a birthday message for a mere $20, $30, $40 or $50, and we will print it in our next issue! You’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’ve supported Regina’s only alternative newspaper–a paper that’s honest, smart, funny, a little obnoxious and most important, is disliked by all the right people. In short, a newspaper Regina can be proud of.
Supportapalooza the hellapalooza out of us here!
*Writers like Greg and Paul and James and Aidan and Shane and Vanda and Rosie and Carle and Dan and John and Amber and Jorge and whoever it is that really, really important writer I totally forgot to include on this list.
**Note: we actually have no IT department.