Rosie mentioned it in his post this morning. I thought he’d cracked because this is too bizarre to be real. But it is! It IS true!
And, and, holy shit! Tom Flanagan’s on the mailing list of the North American Man Boy Love Association! (And that’s a real thing! I thought NAMBLA was a South Park joke!)
It looks like my old student paper, The Manitoban, is at the root of this, getting Flanagan to hint at his, um, bold views on kiddie porn back in 2009. Money quote:
Before making his comments about context in the media during his first lecture, Flanagan digressed for a moment and spoke about the misinterpretation of the beliefs of lawyers, due to the people they defend in court. Flanagan cited the example of Stockwell Day suggesting that a lawyer by the name of Lorne Goddard, who had defended a client accused of possessing child pornography, believed the same thing as their client — “that the lawyer himself believed that it was OK to have child pornography.” Flanagan then continued, saying “But that’s actually another interesting debate or seminar: what’s wrong with child pornography — in the sense that it’s just pictures? But I’m not here to debate that today.”
Good for them! Proud to have once tarnished that noble fishwrapper with my idiocies.
More on this story here and here and here. Wonder if any search warrants will be issued for Flanagan’s personal computers.