We’ve posted and done articles on the future of Connaught Community School in the Cathedral area before. Today on Facebook someone with ties to both the neighbourhood and the broader education and journalism community in Regina posted this update:

A call to the school board office confirms Connaught School’s future existence as a heritage school will be decided on Tuesday evening, without any public notice beyond posting the agenda on Friday afternoon. This rushed process should be challenged. The vote should at the very least be given proper notice of motion as per usual board policy. And if they were hoping no one would be in the room when they decide, folks should prove them wrong and show up.

A visit to the Regina Board of Education website reveals that the board meeting had originally been scheduled for Feb. 19, but had been rescheduled to Feb. 26 at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at the School Board office at 1600 4th Ave. I couldn’t find any information on the agenda today, but if you want to check on Friday the agenda will hopefully be posted here.