It’s a slow day in Regina so here’s a heads up on three events that are happening in the city in the next week or so. For simplicity’s sake I’m listing them in chronological order.
On Friday, Jan. 18 the Regina & District Chamber of Commerce is installing its 2013 chair. This year, it’s Gord Archibald who is head of the Association of Regina Realtors. I don’t know the man personally, but I have read a number of columns that he’s written in the Saturday Homes section that the Leader-Post runs. Along with his co-columnist Alan Thomarat of the Canadian Homebuilders Association (Saskatchewan branch), Archibald is a bit of a tout for a business as usual approach to urban planning in Regina which privileges low-density, car-dependent development on the city’s outskirts over more sustainable growth initiatives. The dinner’s at Conexus Arts Centre at 6:30 p.m. For more information call 757-4658.
No offense to the other two events in this post, but if I was to pick one to attend it would be this one. Gut Ecology is the title, and it goes Jan. 21 at the RPL Theatre at Central Library at 7 p.m. As a society, we strive to lead antiseptic lives. We deploy all sorts of anti-bacterial and sanitizing products, but in actual fact over the eons of our existence on this planet we’ve developed symbiotic relationships with numerous types of bacteria that inhabit different areas of our bodies. This presentation, as the title implies, focuses on intestinal bacteria (like those pictured above) and the health benefits they provide. To register call 777-6120.
Speaking of bacteria… no, that’s a cheap shot. I gotta remember that I’m one of the moderates on Dog Blog and need to stick to the high road. And besides, the cause is somewhat worthy. Although it’s not like it’s a true charitable event. But on Jan. 24, the Canadian Association of Family Enterprises is hosting a dinner at Queensbury Convention Centre. CAFE is an advocacy group that family-run businesses can join to gain access to resources to help meet the challenges of surviving in an increasingly global and predatory world.
Truly, it’s like the ongoing battle that occurs everyday in our guts where bacteria native to that region join forces with our immune system to help repel invaders intent on executing a hostile takeover. And to extend the analogy even further, the guest-speaker at the CAFE gala is CBC’s resident venture capitalist and all-round market fundamentalist Kevin O’Leary. The gala runs from 5:30-9:30 p.m., and more information can be had by phoning 1-866-578-0978.
After this post was written we did receive word of an event that is happening in town tonight. You’ll find more info after the jump: