1 R.I.P. AARON SWARTZ Science-fiction writer Cory Doctorow has written a eulogy for the Reddit co-founder and hacktivist, who reportedly committed suicide yesterday.
2 IT’S A SAD DAY FOR THE EMPIRE The White House has responded to a petition asking the government builds a Death Star. No go, Force Friends. (Alternative to Force Friends: “Bantha Buddies“.)
3 FELLOW DUDES, WE STILL MOSTLY SUCK From Slate’s XX Factor blog: “Male Jurors More Likely To Find Fat Women Guilty, According to Depressing Study”. Boo, dudes.
4 NIGHT SHIFT STAR WILL VISIT SASKATCHEWAN Henry Winkler is coming to Saskatoon. Tickets to the supper are $175. For that price, he’ll hopefully recreate his greatest T.V. moment: