Yesterday, Regina Transit held a media briefing to discuss proposed changes to how transit service is delivered in the city. No one from our office was able to make it to the event, which was held at a relatively remote transit facility on the 300 block Winnipeg St. in north-east Regina.

Here’s a link to a short Leader-Post article that talks about some of the changes that are being contemplated, such as express routes on Albert St. and Victoria Ave., possible airport service and the creation of feeder routes in outlying neighbourhoods that would deliver people to collector points for transportation to other areas of the city. The article says the changes could take effect in July.

In case you missed the comment on an earlier post, a series of open houses will be held to discuss the proposed changes on the following dates at the following locations:

Jan. 30 Cornwall Centre 3-8 p.m.
Jan. 31 Northgate Mall 3-8 p.m.
Feb. 2 Victoria Square Mall 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Feb. 4 Albert Scott Community Centre 5:30-8 p.m.
Feb. 5 Riddell Centre, University of Regina 10 a.m.-2 p.m.