Protests against general cultural contempt and hatred for women are spreading beyond India. From the Guardian:

Inspired by the rallies and marches staged across India for nearly three weeks, demonstrations have also been held in Nepal, Sri Lanka,Pakistan and Bangladesh – all countries where activists say women suffer high levels of sexual and domestic violence.

In Nepal, the case of a 21-year-old woman who says she was raped and threatened with death by a police officer and robbed by immigration officials, prompted hundreds of demonstrators to converge on the prime minister’s residence in Kathmandu. They called for legal reforms and an overhaul of attitudes to women.

“We had seen the power of the mass campaign in Delhi’s rape case. It is a pure people’s movement,” said Anita Thapa, one of the demonstrators.

Story here. Since misogyny (which seems like a pretty weak word to describe the shit women put up with) is shared across borders, basic feminism needs a passport too.