Tom Westoll
Have you heard of the band Kelamines? Their name’s a cross between ketamine (an anaesthetic drug sometimes used recreationally) and melamine (the potentially toxic chemical compound used in manufacturing some plastics).
You haven’t? Of course you haven’t. “Kelamines” is a typo we printed in our June 13 event listings. It’s actually Ketamines (who, as far as I know, played June 23 at the Artful Dodger). Fortunately, alert Wiener Tom Westoll alerted us to the error. Tom’s a cartographer who cycles to work and likes beer, which he has already spent his $10 prize on. He also won a spiff Typo Wiener T-shirt. Congratulations, Tom!
HERE BE BOO-BOOS Spot a typo in this issue and e-mail the details to (write TYPO in the subject field). Please include the page it was on and the article and sentence it was in. Typos include misspelled words (including names), garbled grammar and general gibberish. Factual errors don’t count but formatting mistakes do. To be eligible, typos must be in editorial content such as articles, listings, headlines and photo cutlines. Next deadline is Wednesday, July 3 at noon. The winner (who will be notified by e-mail) must be available to come to our office on the Scarth Street pedestrian mall Friday, July 5 to collect their prize and pose for a picture. Good luck!