Stop the Pounding

Just a couple words to whoever was behind the construction going on beside the Sherwood Village Library: YOU SUCK! For two weeks, anyone within about a kilometre of this location had to listen to incessant pile-driving from first thing in the morning until about six p.m. every day — including the weekend! It drove everyone nuts! I had to work from home during this stretch and was unable to get away from the noise. I tried turning up the music, but it was so loud that I couldn’t concentrate anyway.

I don’t care what building is going up or what business it will house, but it has earned some very bad will in this community. Couldn’t you have sent out earplugs to everyone in the neighbourhood? I can’t imagine how the poor people who work in the library (guess the ‘Shhh! Be quiet!’ rule goes out the window for now) or businesses right next to the site must have felt. I would think that every blow of the pile-driver rattled their teeth. I’m not against development in the area, but really, there ought to be some reasonable limit to how much you can disturb people’s sanity for the sake of your little venture. /Anonymous


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