The upcoming Superman movie Man Of Steel has a new poster and it’s not making me less cranky about the typical lame Hollywood decision to tamper with the classics — in this case, Superman’s iconic costume. What is that, grey? Why’s the yellow in the crest so faded and anemic? Why is the iconic red “S”  PINK? And where’s the GOD DAMNED RED SHORTS?

I like the scene depicted in the poster. It’s clearly inspired by a pretty good Geoff Johns/Gary Frank comic from a few years back — which Man Of Steel screenwriter David Goyer wrote the forward to, perhaps not co-inka-dinkally. But Supe’s gimmicky, “ooh we’re all cool and dark now” costume undermines it. The camerawork isn’t doing it for me, either: Superman should be photographed by someone with an aesthetic like Annie Leibovitz, not some goof with an iPhone3. Boo.

Star Henry Cavill looks good though. But still, they should’ve put Emmet Matheson in charge of this Superman movie. Boo again.

*Maybe not. Cosplayers seem not to have discovered professional photography, judging from a quick Google.