1 MEET YOUR MAYOR The Leader-Post has a long interview with Regina new mayor Michael Fougere. This will be essential reading. I hadn’t read it when I posted this but I’m reading it right now. Ooh, it’s INTERESTING.
2 SASKATCHEWAN IS STILL BOOMING So say the numbers. Still, what about people whose rent has doubled and salary hasn’t. Or under-funded Saskatchewan universities, which are now making national news? Or the film industry? Say, what kind of a boom is this, anyway? It seems kind of crappy!
3 IDLE UPDATE Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence’s hunger strike continues, as does a certain stubborn prime minister’s refusal to meet with her. Meanwhile there are blockades in Ontario and protests in British Columbia.
4 RAPE VICTIM GETTING WORSE Infection, organ failure… not good.
5 DRONES FOR RHINOS Could rhinoceroses be saved with surveillance drones that identify the gangsters who slaughter the critically endangered animals for profit?
6 WAIT A SECOND, THIS SOUNDS… PROMISING? Did the NHL just put a proposal on the table that could get us back into hockeyland? The players will meet in a couple of hours. And the bigger question: after two horrendous lockouts in the last decade, do we still care about the pro leagues? I mean, this junior hockey stuff is pretty good.
ARCHIE BUNKER ON GUN CONTROL Wise publisher Terry Morash points out that the difference between the time this was filmed and now is that nowadays we tend to respect people who say insane things. Well, Americans do, anyway. Oh well. Enjoy.