Based on the Booker Prize winning novel by Salman Rushdie, and directed by Deepa Mehta, this epic drama explores the intertwined lives of two baby boys — one Hindu, the other Muslim — who are born at the stroke of midnight on Aug. 15, 1947 as India declares independence from Britain, and who are subsequently switched by a nurse so that they end up going home with the wrong parents.
Midnight’s Children screens at the RPL Theatre tonight at 7 p.m. Here’s the trailer:
And if you’re looking to do something after the show, across Victoria Park at O’Hanlon’s Pub two local bands (The Coldest Night of the Year and The Delta Throats) will be playing a show. It’ll be your last chance to, in the immortal words of Trooper, “raise a little hell” before settling in for a couple of days of turkey and eggnog.