Starting later today the weather for the next few days is supposed to take a turn for the worse. If you’re looking for something to do while huddled indoors, the RPL administration has released the feasibility study that it commissioned a few years ago into the idea of either expanding or replacing Central Library via a P3 process that would see private sector partners involved in some capacity related to possible commercial and residential development as part of a new library complex.
That’s the concept drawing pictured above. If it looks familiar, it’s because it’s the same design that was inadvertently leaked awhile back and which RPL administration subsequently tried to downplay the significance of as only being one option.
The study, which is 51 pages long and can be accessed here, was posted with the proviso:
The information in this section focused on the possible opportunity to purchase more land for redevelopment. That possibility has passed and the RPL Board continues to examine other options. Various components of this study were dynamic and can be adjusted and incorporated into future architectural plans for Regina Public Library’s new Central Library.