Presented by Golden Apple Theatre Company, this original musical by Robert Gontier and Nicky Phillips is based on the life of John McCrae, the Canadian doctor from Guelph who wrote the famous World War I poem.
In Flanders Fields premiered in Calgary in 2010, and this will be its first performance in Saskatchewan
The musical will run at Artesian on 13th from Nov. 7-18 at 8 p.m. Tickets are Adults $30, Students $20. For more information contact Mysteria Gallery at 522-0080.
Also, I’ve been advised by O’Hanlon’s Pub that the Sweatshop Union/Def 3 show that we had listed for Friday Nov. 9 in our last issue will instead be happening on Thursday Nov. 8. To get you primed here’s the video for Sweatshop Union’s 2012 tune “Bill Murray”: