We’ll be at city hall, of course. Henry Baker Hall will be open to the public to watch the results come in on the big screen. Steve and I will be there, live tweeting the numbers or getting interviews for the upcoming issue or secretly getting drunk or something.

You should come too. We went last election and it was pretty fun. There will be candidates and media types. But no word yet on whether there’s coffee.

After the results are in, I’ve heard tell that several campaigns are hosting events at different venues downtown. My guess is you won’t have to look too hard to find an election party of some kind. Either a triumphant howling boozefest. Or a glorious piss up of defeat. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I were to wind up at some place that rhymes with Go Shmamlons.

Oh almost forgot… starting at 7:30pm tonight, the Artesian is hosting an election party (2627 13th Avenue, that’s the former church on the corner of 13th and Angus) and everyone is invited. They too will be showing the election results as they come in.

I like the Artesian a lot. The lounge in the basement is basically what I wanted my living room to look like. So now I’m kind of regretting that I’ll be at city hall instead.

Anyway, if any Dog Blog readers happen to run into me or any other Dog Blog writers tonight, please say hi!

And watch our twitter channel @prairiedogmag and the blog for election updates this evening.

And if you haven’t already, don’t forget to vote!