Ever wonder where your food comes from? Does the current gap between producer and consumer confuse and baffle you? Do you LOVE the Farmer’s Market?
Coming up on Sept. 19 through Sept. 22 is the very first Field 2 Fork Festival. Three University of Regina students have put together a festival of workshops, panel discussions and networking about food issues. With funding from RPIRG, SCIC, Council of Canadians, URSU and Heifer International Kay Niedermayer and her classmates have organized an opportunity for anyone interested in local and international food issues to head down to Victoria Park to learn, laugh and meet like-minded people.
Workshop titles include things like: An Introduction to Permaculture, Composting, Going Organic and many more. The ‘Sunset Sessions’ are a series of outdoor lectures, discussions and films presented on various topics surrounding food production and related issues. The festival is fun for the whole family with daytime workshops scheduled for children.
This is a unique event. For more information on workshop times, schedules and locations check out www.field2forkfestival.ca, e-mail field2forkregina@gmail.com or contact Halena Seiferling at RPIRG: 306.337.2420