I know it’s a little ass-backwards, but seeing as I’ve posted some responses to the September 25 mayoral forum, I thought I’d post the audio I recorded of the event itself. That way, if you missed the show, you can have responses of your own.

The file is 57 minutes long but it’s mostly unedited. I pulled out some of moderator Mitch Diamantopoulos’ introductory remarks but other than that it’s all here.

Unfortunately, our Soundcloud folder is pretty full right now so we won’t have a cool player widget for it. Instead…

Download the Make Your Voice Heard All-Candidates Debate by clicking here. (26MB)

If you have any thoughts on the forum, please put them in the comments below.

And, you can follow all of the prairie dog’s online election 2012 coverage, which includes lots more audio, by clicking here or on that green election 2012 icon that’s above.