Going by what drunk people say to me in pubs, our Aug. 9 Bonus Column “The Mayor Who Wasn’t There” was a sleeper hit.

Bonus Columns — articles about random crap that usually run in prairie dog’s front end — aren’t published online (yet) but some of you guys seem to want this one to stick on your fridges (like people used to do with comics clipped from newspapers in the olden days). You can’t get a newsprint copy of it anymore but hey! Here’s a link to a downloadable, print-uppable PDF.

Dakota McFadzean’s caricature of Pat Fiacco is one for the ages. We’ll keep this up on the right-hand side of prairiedogmag.com until after the civic election.

Feel free to download it for fridge-magnet posterity!

And by the way, if you love Dakota’s stuff, he also has a comic in every issue of prairie dog. But you knew that, right? Oh, and he has a website. With more comics!