The plan this week was to talk about Prometheus (in light of Ridley Scott wrecking the Alien franchise with it) and the likely fate of Connaught school (in light of a report that makes it sound like the building is beyond repair and needs a good wrecking).
That was it. It was going to be a short, easy to consume episode.
But things went a little off the rails.
For a fuller list of topics, here are my show notes:
– Prometheus and why it sucks
– blah blah blah, eldritch horrors
– Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer, why?
– Can Con suggestions for the “historical figures fighting monsters” subgenre
– Bruno Gerussi
– the Amazing Spiderman
– Moonrise Kingdom not coming to Regina, WTF?
– Chipwrecked is gone, finally, Shane is happy
– Rainbow cinemas going digital!
– Dark Knight Rises Imax event in Regina
– we blame everything on Jorge
– Watchmen vs Before Watchmen, fight!
– and now we talk about a school board meeting and you get topic whiplash
– Glen Elm school vs Haultain — winner gets students, loser gets the wrecking ball
– Imperial school vs McDermid — same deal
– Connaught School, will it get torn down? (Yeah, very likely)
– the 21st Century classroom
– repurposing Mosaic Stadium as the ultimate open-concept school
And that was it. More or less.
Ultrasonic Alarm Call s02 e05 – Heteronormativity: At the table Aidan Morgan (host), Shane Hnetka and Paul Dechene. Music by the Lazy MKs. Runtime: 59 min 16 sec.