Described as like a beauty mark moving across the face of the Sun, this rare astronomical event occurs later today when Venus, from our perspective here on Earth, will be visible against the background of the Sun.
According to NASA, the transit is capable of being observed with the naked eye, but better views are possible with binoculars and/or a telescope. It’s imperative, though, that anyone attempting to view the transit take the proper steps to shield their eyes from the glare.
Due to the orbital dynamics of Venus and Earth, transits of Venus occur in a predicatable, albeit quirky, pattern: in an eight year period, they happen in pairs, then don’t happen for 121.5 years, they another pair of transits occur in an eight-year period, then they don’t happen again for another 105.5 years. Today’s transit, which should start around 4 p.m. in Regina, was preceded by one in 2004. That means after today the next pair of transits of Venus won’t occur until December 2117 and 2125.