1 GOING FOR THE COALITION Greek politicians try again.
2 SOMETIME THIS WEEKEND WHEN I WASN’T PAYING ATTENTION, COPS CAUGHT A SUSPECT IN EDMONTON’S MURDERIFFIC ARMED ROBBERY Well, that’s good. Also, the alleged dismemberment killer is on his way back to Canada. Yay.
3 PRESIDENT’S HEADS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON POLES A gory, decapitated replica of former U.S. president George W. Bush’s head was visible in a recent episode of Game Of Thrones. Conservatives are maaad.
4 ALL RIGHT TO DIE Gloria Taylor, the woman who won the right to end her life, will meet the press today. Meanwhile, alleged ethicist Margaret Sommerville had a dumb column on why no one — no matter their suffering of the medical hopelessness of their condition — should be allowed to end their life in Saturday’s Globe And Mail. Whatever. Why would they even publish that?
5 SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FLICKS Regina’s Partners In Motion production studio is wondering whether it should move to Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary or Winnipeg after Brad Wall broke Saskatchewan’s film industry.
6 THIS REALLY IS PROGRESS, KINDA It’s Pride Week in Regina and the Leader-Post has a story and a four-page advertorial section in today’s paper. How times change. In August 1998, on my first day in Regina, I picked up my first issue of the Leader-Post and was flabbergasted by the presence of an anti-gay ad purchased by one Hugh Owens. Owens, by the way, was found to have contravened the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code for a similar ad that ran in the StarPhoenix in 1997 that referenced Leviticus 20:13, a verse that calls for homosexuals to be killed. (The Saskatchewan Court Of Appeals later overturned the decision.)
Then again, Owens ran an anti-gay ad on page C2 of this Saturday’s L-P, which, I suppose, is legally obligated to run it. Hopefully the paper donated the cost of the ad to a good cause. At least in 2012 most people think quoting bible verses to condemn homosexuality is lame and creepy.
6 TRUDEAU REDUX? Everyone loves Justin, apparently.