I apologize for the lateness of this post, but I’m back home and connected with technology again, so here we go – Sasquatch! Day 4.

My Monday started off with the dreamy Ben Howard taking the Big Foot stage in the afternoon. Problems with the sound cut his set a bit short, but he still delivered the soft, soothing music his fans expected. Special thanks to Chris Graham for lending me one of his awesome lenses to shoot a few pictures. The fellow Saskie photog was at the festival with his wife, covering it for the blog Brooklyn Vegan. Check it out here.

One of my new music finds for the day was the band Cloud Cult. They played on the Big Foot stage in the late afternoon. It was nice and refreshing to hear their strings and horns. Cool fact – typically they have two painters on stage who paint throughout the show and then sell the art at the end. This wasn’t the case at Sasquatch! but a good reason to see them again.

The Cave Singers took to the Big Foot stage Monday afternoon, as well. The band is from Seattle and had the fans to prove it. This show was just as much about the dancing as it was the music.

I was lucky enough to check out a couple acts on the smallest stage – the Yeti Stage. There was never too big a crowd there so you could really get up close and personal with the band. I got to see Ted Leo and the Pharmacists from Washington, D.C.

And Shearwater, from Austin, TX.

The two main acts to close out the festival were Tenacious D and Beck.
Tenacious D played first. This is one of those times when a picture is worth a thousand words.

Yes, that is a penis on the stage. The penis shot confetti during the last song.

Beck was the closer for the festival. I heard mixed reviews about his set from people at the show. Some said he didn’t look into it, and it was lack-luster. I enjoyed the show, but it wasn’t as awe-inspiring as expected. To finish off the night he brought out Tenacious D to sing with him and his son to dance.

That’s it folks – Sasquatch! 2012 complete. Thanks to everyone for reading my updates throughout the weekend. It was a lot of fun to snap shots of some of my favourite bands. In case you haven’t guessed, this festival has me hooked! I’ll be returning year after year, and I’d recommend any music lover to jump onboard for the Sasquatch! experience.