The double-bill at the RPL tonight and Sunday is definitely a study in contrasts.

At 9 p.m. (7 p.m. Sunday) you’ve got the latest from Winnipeg auteur Guy Maddin called Keyhole. Its central character is a deadbeat dad/gangster named Ulysses Pick. Pick is played by Jason Patric, and as the character’s first name indicates, the film’s narrative arc is inspired by Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey.

Only instead of spanning countries and lasting years, the journey that Pick embarks on takes place within the walls of his home where he travels, room by room, from the back door to the master bedroom, where his wife Hyacinth (Isabella Rossellini) awaits. Here’s the trailer.

One Life, the second part of the doublebill, screens at 7 p.m. Saturday (9 p.m. Sunday) It’s a British documentary (narrated by Daniel Craig, although much of the original footage was shot years ago for David Attenborough’s BBC series Life) that examines diverse strategies animals use to survive and procreate in our Darwinian world. Here’s the trailer.