OBAMA BOOSTS AMERICAN ECONOMY BY CREATING MORE WORK FOR WEDDING PLANNERS Dan Savage and this Gawker blogger are less enamoured with U.S. President Obama’s Statements about gay marriage than most people, and they may have a point. But they should consider the intellectual chasm between his statements in support of gay marriage and the nutbars’ attempts to ban gay marriage. Right, North Carolina? (where inter-racial marriages were banned until 1975?) And gay conservative columnist Andrew Sullivan likes the decision while the Log Cabin Republican Party … words fail me. Words failed them.
START PLANNING THE PARADE The worst soccer team in North and Central America finally won a game! How did you know that it was owned by Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment?
STICKER SHOCK Now that the cost breakdowns are starting to come out about the proposed new football stadium, people will probably stop calling it a ‘legacy project’ and call it a ‘concussion factory.’
TIME FLIES BETTER THAN A ZEPPLIN, APPARENTLY Did you know that this week marked the 75th anniversary of the Hindenburg explosion?
BECAUSE LIGHTHOUSES AND FARMS ARE THREATS TO THE CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT Harper’s government is thinking about razing the famed Peggy’s Cove lighthouse in Nova Scotia and has already decided that the Motherwell Homestead isn’t that big of a deal. Then again, these are rural areas we’re talking about, represented by Peter McKay and Andrew Scheer, and so-called ‘socialism’ and ‘big government’ may give them cooties, so if they want smaller government, they got smaller government.
YOUR MUSICAL MOMENT OF ZEN One of my favourite Celtic musical podcasts led me to this group, The Elders. Like all the great Celtic bands, they’re from Kansas City.