This event is being hosted by the Dunlop Art Gallery, and will take place Thursday in Victoria Park. It features two performances by a touring Canadian dance/theatre company from Toronto called Corpus.
The first performance, Les Moutons, will go from 12:30-1 p.m. My French is hugely rusty, but “mouton” is French for sheep, and judging by advance publicity like the photo at left, that’s precisely what the show will be about.
The second performance is called A Flock of Flyers. It runs from 5-5:30 p.m., and with all the kerfuffle around the Harper government’s proposed gazillion dollar purchase of F-35 fighter jets is kind of timely, in that it concerns a Canadian Flying Squadron (the 217th) that is so crippled by budget cuts that it’s left without any planes to fly. Still, the pilots gamely continue to train.
For more info on this unique theatre event visit the Corpus website here or contact the Dunlop at 777-6040.