If you’ve checked Kleins96 out on Facebook recently, you might already know that Regina’s premier punk act had van problems. That problem, as guitarist/vocalist Andrew Love told me at their Sunday night show at Regina’s indoor skatepark, was a transmission that started billowing smoke a ways off from their show that night in Edmonton. Billowing is never a good thing for any part of a car to do. From what I’m told, they pulled it together and got a taxi to their concert that night and a ride to Saskatoon for their show on March 31.
All this by way of saying this isn’t a terrible time to pick up their brand new split seven-inch with Tomorrow Starts Today. Kleins’ half, a pair of songs sung by bassist Justin Ludwig, sounds great. With all the trouble they’ve had over this past weekend, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you bought a copy for yourself.
It’s on transparent vinyl, too. I have an image in my head of someone from 40 years ago seeing transparent vinyl and thinking, “This is the future.” And now you can own part of the future! It isn’t available for order on the Harvest King Records website yet, so you’ll just have to keep an eye out for the next time they’re playing around these parts.