Directed by Rohan Fernando, this NFB documentary screens tonight at the RPL Theatre at 7 p.m. It sees Fernando travel to a remote corner of the Belize rain forest where he meets Eladio Pop, a Mayan who seeks to provide for his family of six and honour his ancestral ways by harvesting and processing cacao beans by hand to make chocolate.

The film apparently serves as somewhat of a elegy for Pop’s way of life, which is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain in the wake of global competition from large-scale chocolate producers. 

Also on the bill is a NFB animated short about the Alberta tarsands called Black Gold.  Here’s a link to the trailer for The Chocolate Farmer.

Another doc is screening in town tonight too. It’s called Miss Representation, and it examines the way prominent women are represented (or, more accurately, misrepresented) in mainstream media. Miss Representation screens at W.S. Hawrylak School (2530 Assiniboine Ave. E.) at 6:30 p.m. Here’s the trailer.