Another set of Bacon Brothers have been in the news lately. They hail from Vancouver, and are major figures in the West coast gangland scene. But this set of Bacon Brothers have Hollywood ties and are musicians. Tonight, they play a  gig at Casino Regina. To fill you in a bit more, here’s the blurb I wrote about it in the 14 Days Top Six in our March 8 issue:  

It can’t be easy having a surname like Bacon. I don’t eat the meat myself, except on pizza once in awhile (bacon & mushroom, mmmnn …), and first thing I think of when I hear the word is a poster popular when I was a kid that showed two pigs mating under the caption “Makin’ Bacon”. Can you imagine the teasing Kevin and Michael must’ve endured as piglets — I mean, children?

To close, here’s video of the band from 2010 performing the song “New Year’s Day”.