Sure sounds like it! Good riddance, you hateful, shitty little man.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Whitworth here. It does sound like Republican presidential nominee hopeful Rick Santorum almost called Barack Obama “an anti-war government nigger”. This would be huge, obviously. But we need to remember that we don’t know for sure what word his tongue and lips were trying to make. He could’ve been trying to say “anti-war government negotiator.” That would make sense in context, too.
About that context: the clip John posted above comes from a March 27 rally in Janesville, Wisconsin. Here’s an article on the rally. which conspicuously doesn’t mention the possible slip (they even run an excerpt from around that part of the video, so someone at WISC must have heard it). The video of the entire event is on Youtube, which is handy for skeptical people who demand context and want something this big triple-verified before they accept it.
I’m embedding the full video below. And here’s the direct link to the YouTube page it’s originally from, run by JATV, Janesville’s public access station. (There’s a website here). Watch it and judge for yourself. The important bit happens around 34:20.
It does look bad. In any case, even the non-possibly-racist parts of the video make it clear Rick Santorum is a loathsome individual who stands for horrible things. How can someone who says they’re a Christian bash anyone for being anti-war? Unbelievable.
UPDATE: John here. Since, as Stephen points out, that syllable could really be anything, you all might want to maybe figure out what that word might be yourselves.
My thoughts? If Santorum didn’t close the bay doors on a big old N-bomb, maybe he was suggesting that Obama is “someone who constantly criticizes in a petty way.” Totally something that would make sense in that context, right? Along with dozens of other words on that page that could complete the phrase “anti-war government nig-uh-tsthfgl” in a non-racist way. Yes, so many of those words could fit there. Definitely.