1 OKAY, OKAY, WE MIGHT HAVE BEEN WRONG Chinese foreign ministry officials have changed their tune on the Syrian crisis, now calling for an intervention to cease the violence. The reasoning behind the controversial Chinese and Russian veto earlier this month has been retreated on, as death tolls continue to rise and reports of ground attacks on Baba Amr emerge this morning.
2 TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Romney took Arizona and Michigan in Republican primaries last night. Mitt should feel a little sheepish after the narrow win in his home state of Michigan, having lost voter support by failing to support the State’s auto-industry bailout. President Obama seized the opportunity to bolster blue-collar support by making Romney look like a complete jackass at a United Auto Workers conference yesterday.
3 DOVER SCANDAL It’s tough not to question the timing of a report released yesterday – in the heat of the electoral race – which concludes that human remains, some traced to the 9/11 attacks, had been inappropriately disposed of by the Dover Air Force mortuary. Given the shock value, it’s no surprise FOX News is all over this. But check out their logo – at least we’re getting the real deal here.
4 WELL, AT LEAST SOMEBODY FINDS THE FUN IN ELECTORAL FRAUD The Robocalls scandal blew up in yesterday’s question period, where Conservative representatives made an exemplary performance in how to completely deflect pertinent questions and make light of an Elections Canada investigation into the what is being called “a systematic voter-suppression campaign”. Like a lot of Canadians, NDP Pat Martin is pissed. On the other hand, free and fair elections appear to be less important to their Conservative counterparts as MP Pierre Poilievre (the same MP responsible for the controversial ‘tar baby’ comment) cracks jokes about the mess.