As the Saskatchewan government and First Nations prepare to review their long-term casino deal, some contentious issues are emerging.

Well, duh.

The real reason for the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations’s purging of Guy Lonechild as Grand Chief had frack-all to do with Lonechild’s drunk driving case — For fracking sake, nobody in the FSIN wanted to distance themselves from David Ahenakew and he called for the Fourth Reich.

It’s too bad that PostMedia doesn’t archive its stories, because Jason Warick’s stories about the questionable spending habits of SIGA’s — FSIN-appointed executives provide a good base as to why the provincial government is going to take a hard line with SIGA in the next round of bargaining.

Lonechild’s impeachment and removal from office was done so Morley Watson could do to the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority what he did in years previous to First Nations University — entrench it in the FSIN’s patronage orbit by hiring toadies and political flunkies.

And we know how THAT turned out.

So, I’m not cheering for the FSIN in this dispute. But I’m not taking the province’s side, either. I just want to see blood from everybody everywhere. Is that so wrong?

UPDATE: Actually, the Star-Phoenix has a story about SIGA’s questionable spending … but it’s actually an editorial.