2012 marks the beginning of another year in Regina’s long housing crisis. And it’s frustrating to watch as the only solution that seems to be on offer from the people with the money and power to maybe improve the situation is, “Wait until rents are high enough that developers will become interested in building rental properties.”
Great plan for landlords. Not so great for renters.
Fortunately, the rental crisis has inspired a group of citizens to get together and advocate for affordable housing and the rights of tenants. They’re the Queen City Tenants’ Association.
If you’re interested in what they’re up to or — better yet — want to get involved, they’re meeting tomorrow evening at 7pm at the United Way (1440 Scarth St) for their first Annual General Meeting. Dale Beck, Director of the Office of Residential Tenancies, will be on hand to give a presentation about his office and to answer questions.