I took today off so I’m not yet up to speed on everything going on with the possible change in Canadian policy that says same sex marriages performed in Canada don’t count if the people getting married aren’t Canadian citizens. Want to catch up with me?

The Globe And Mail is following this thoroughly. Here’s the story that got it started, which Rosie linked to this a.m. (thank you, Rosie). Here’s their latest, along with a column by John Ibbitson.

(I don’t want to praisie the paper too much, though: after all, its editorial-writing numbnuts squad did endorse the Conservatives in the last election.)

Here’s The Canadian Press, here’s the CBC and here’s The Toronto Star. And here’s Dan Savage, an awesome U.S. gay rights activist (and awesome newspaper editor, and awesome sex and relationship advice columnist). Savage is a U.S. citizen who was married in Canada and if his marriage is nullified, he’s got problems:

There are potentially serious consequences for same-sex couples in Washington state who married in Canada. Right now, if I’m not mistaken, Washington state recognizes same-sex marriages performed in states and countries where same-sex marriage is legal—but Washington treats these couples (me and Terry included) as domestic partners under WA state law. Washington’s DP law grants same-sex couples all the rights and responsibilities of marriage that the state controls. So… if same-sex marriage isn’t legal for foreigners in Canada, if our marriages aren’t valid in Canada, it’s possible that this move by Harper’s government means that couples like us—same-sex couples from WA who married in Canada—are no longer domestic partners under the law here in Washington state. What a headache.

Now, I’m not sure how much actual damage has been caused by this news. The government looks like idiots, though why anyone would be surprised that the party with connections to the creepy religious right and that once waged a jihad against same sex marriage is inept on this file is beyond me.  Certainly a lot of gay, lesbian and even straight people who give a shit have been pissed off, had feelings hurt, feel unwelcome, etc. Aside from that? We’ll see. Please share your thoughts below.