1 OMINOUS RUMBLINGS Last night, Stephen Harper said changes are coming to Canada’s retirement system. Here’s another story on this, and another, and here’s a look at the spin. Anyway, the prime minister’s probably going to hike taxes on the countries wealthiest people to make sure the system stays properly funded, don’t you think? Because raising the age people receive old-age security at to 67, as some are speculating, just sounds evil.
2 THERE’S MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM The 11-year-old kid whose loaded handgun go went off in his school locker came from a home with several weapons. A handgun? What the hell do people need to keep handguns in their homes for? Anyway, police are investigating.
3 CBC SASK VS. LaRONGE Story here. I think they’re making a big mistake closing this bureau. If CBC isn’t going to be the voice of the north, who is?
4 THE U.S. ECONOMY IS FEELING BETTER Third straight quarter of improvement. If you care.