1 UNILATERALISM On Monday the Federal Government announced that though federal health transfers will be guaranteed until 2016-2017, by 2018 they will be tied to nominal GDP. This move is by an large rejected by provinces who see it as bad for hospitals and health care. Is this another attempt to sneak unilateral changes under the radar while everyone’s tied up with something else (that old Christmas thing)? Anyone remember the proroguing of parliament during the winter Olympics? Probably not…

2THE GUY FROM THE MOVIE Kim Jong-Il has passed away and the country has entered a phase of mourning. Unsurprisingly, and perhaps luckily, he has been better remembered for his pop culture persona embodied on the Hollywood blockbuster Team America, which has become a hot item in recent days.

3 MORE JOKES (NOT THE GOOD KIND) On Monday,  UN human rights commission pointed out the third world living conditions on many Canadian Reserves following an investigation into the situation in Attawapiskat. Thankfully, among the recent swath of international embarrassments, Harper’s approval ratings are finally appearing to be affected.

4 TSK TSK English soccer captain John Terry will be facing criminal charges for uttering racial slurs at another player.

5 ACCIDENT IN SPEEDY CREEK An accident outside of Swift Current where an 18 year-old woman passed away is thought to have been caused by texting while driving. A reminder to still be careful though our most of our social lives have reached a boiling point.

6 STILL GOT IT! No more Debbie downer. Click here watch below to get your hump day rolling along with this super-awesome octogenarian’s crypt walk!