This week, the Alarm Call goes ultralite with a slender wafer of audio antics that won’t even occupy a half hour of your time.
In the ultraswank podcasting salon, prairie dog‘s senior political correspondent, Stephen LaRose, is this week’s special guest. He’ll school us all in what happened to the NDP in the provincial election. Guess what? It was bad.
We follow that up with a review of the film adaptation of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. Does it hold up like a bridge built of Reardon Steel or is it a titanic train wreck? Aidan gives us his objective assessment.
Next, a look the 2012 City of Regina budgets. But only a brief look. Because budgets are boring and we know that.
Then finally, Shane’s discovered a new boardgame he thought we might be interested in. It’s called Urban Sprawl and he was right.
Now, are you ready? Boop off!
Ultrasonic Alarm Call No. 15 — Atlas Napped: At the table, Aidan Morgan (host), Shane Hnetka, special guest Stephen LaRose, and me. Music by the Lazy MKs Runtime: 20 min ineffectual blather, 8 min 12 sec grotesque hyperbole.
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