1 THE MOST IMPORTANT THING A MAN MUST LEARN TODAY Research shows what a woman’s brain actually looks like when she orgasms. (The Guardian)
2 YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK Since Prime Minister Fattypuff came along, there’s a growing trend of Nixonian tactics by the civil service. For example, Aboriginal Affairs is running its own spy agency. (APTN)
3 HE ALSO MAINTAINS IT WASN’T JFK WHO WAS SHOT IN DEALEY PLAZA, IT WAS BING CROSBY Historians are losing count of the number of factual inaccuracies in Bill O’Riely’s biography of Abraham Lincoln. I recall a Bob and Rae sketch about a historian who wrote that Lincoln took a Buick to his second inauguration … maybe Bill gave that guy a job. (Huffington Post)
4 ALL HAIL THE GOLDEN CALF WHILE YOU’RE AT IT The Roughriders’ Mighty Wurlitzer of propaganda gets ready to tell us that Brendan Taman, a loser who couldn’t find American players as the Winnipeg Blue Bomber GM and didn’t have the moral authority to challenge anybody in the Rider front office last year, is going to be The Greatest Thing Ever For The Saskatchewan Roughriders in 2012. (cfl.ca)
5 BUT YEAH, WE GOT A CONTRACT, RIGHT … RIGHT? The U.S. Congress considers scrapping the F-35. This would be a good time to get out of the deal, but … hold on, Peter McKay is too busy watching Top Gun again. (The Globe and Mail). Extra moment of snark here (prairie dog).
6 WE ARE … PENN STATE! SOME OF ARE … PEDOPHILES! Jerry Sandusky gets interviewed by Bob Costas, and his talk about the charges he faces illustrates why the first rule a defense attorney gives to his/her client is this: Shut. Up. Despite this, a Pennsylvania judge, connected to Sandusky’s charity, grants Sandusky jaw-droppingly lenient bail conditions. (Deadspin) And former Penn State head coach Joe Paterno’s real estate dealings have some thinking that there’s more to his side of the story of this scandal than meets the eye. (Post Game)
YOUR MUSICAL MOMENT OF ZEN Mother Mother doing an acoustic version of “The Stand”.