Louise LeCavalier is an icon of Canadian contemporary dance.
Yes, such people exist. Sometimes they even get acknowledged for the tremendous contribution they’ve made to Canadian culture. Take LeCavalier. In 2010 she was awarded the Order of Canada. If I worked for Sun TV, and I had the opportunity to interview her, I’d grill her about all the taxpayers’ money she’s wasted over the years — be it as a solo dancer, or as the principal dancer in Edouard Lock’s acclaimed dance troupe La La Human Steps.
But I don’t, so I wouldn’t. Instead, I’ll just offer up the info that Friday and Saturday night at 8 p.m. she’ll be performing in the Shumiatcher Room in the basement of Conexus Arts Centre. The performance is being presented by New Dance Horizons, and will include two works: Children and A Few Minutes of Lock (pictured above is a scene from the former work).
Tickets are Adults $35, Students & Seniors $25. For more info call 525-5393.