Here’s a link to a preview James Brotheridge did of this show at the Exchange Sunday night. As to where this Toronto-based alt-bleak country band got it’s name, here’s an excerpt from an interview that the band did at the SXSW festival in Austin:
How did you name the band?
The name story is hilarious, because it’s really nothing. Mark is a big baseball fan, and he was watching the Robert Redford film The Natural. There’s a femme fatale character in the film named Harriett Bird, and Mark thought that if she had a brother, he would be just as evil, and his name would be Elliott Brood, because he’d mistaken bird for brood. That’s how it all came about. We’ve often made up in interviews where the name came from, that it’s the name of a killer or something, but [the truth] is not that interesting. It’s worked out for us, though.
To close, here’s video from 2009 of the band performing “Miss You Now” on CBC Radio’s Q.