Here it is, a new, new plan for the 13th Ave Safeway. After the public consultation over the earlier proposal, P3 Architects and Safeway went off to see if they could come up with a compromise that’d please everyone.
So… what does everyone think?
For comparison, have a look at the earlier version of the redesign.
And if you want to have your say on the new, new plan — I mean, beyond in the comment section below — there will be another round of public consultation on Tuesday, November 22 at the Cathedral Neighbourhood Centre (2900 13th Ave, across the street from yet-to-be redesigned Safeway) starting at 7:30pm.
After the fold, a couple more images of the plan along with P3’s design summary.
Design Summary for Proposed Replacement/Expansion of Canada Safeway Store at 2915-13th Ave
• Modifications to the building exterior have been influenced by references to prominent buildings in the Cathedral Area neighbourhood. Reddish coloured brick will be used to boarder the base of the building and accentuate the columns and pilasters, which will feature alternating recessed bnds of brickwork to “animate and reduce” the building mass, as well as limestone bases and capitals to reflect the substantial mareials employed on the nearby church and cathedral.
• The building walls will be topped with delineated cornices that include dentils at prominent locations, echoing the detail work that has been applied to several buildings in the area. Awnings will flank the main entrances and highlight the groupings of pilasters and glazed panels along the west wall. There will also be green wall features installed along the west elevation with vegetation rooted in the recessed planters.
• Wooden trellises will be placed over the main entrances, which will also be framed within archways. The projecting entrance features will be articulated to appear as two storey structures, with flanking pairs of arched recesses that will be fitted with horizontal slats to resemble the louvers in the cathedral towers. The trio of glazed panels at the centre of the storefront will be accented with arched mullions, which are suggestive of the window groupings above the main entrance and on both sides of Westminster Church.
• The loading bay along the back of the building will be screened with a solid masonry/brick wall. The garbage compactor will be enclosed within a similar masonry wall and accessed through a solid, textured gate.
• Enhanced perimeter landscaping will feature two seating areas at the northeast and northwest corners of the site. These spaces are expected to include functional art pieces (eg, bicycle racks, benches), which will be commissioned and designed in consultation with, or with the active involvement of City and the local community. In the applicant’s words “Benches, garbage receptacles and unique art bicycle racks are situated in areas delineated by paving stones to develop pedestrian nodes at entry points to the site from 13th Ave.”
• Safeway’s standard bicycle racks, capable of accommodating 20 bicycles, as well as dog hooks will be situated near the main building entrances. The applicant has been requested to also provide enhanced landscaping along the front of the store.
• The existing freestanding sign at the northwest corner of the site will be retained and rehabilitated with a replaced backlit component, new paint and repairs, where necessary.