What is orgonite and how can it help with that chem trails problem? Why are crop circles so darned pretty? Do dogs have auras? How can Archangel Michael help out with the lotto?
We answer all these questions and more in this week’s Ultrasonic episode as we recap our roadtrip to beautiful Fort Qu’appelle for the Extraordinary Fair, a paranormal symposium.
We have interviews with a ghost hunter, a crop circle researcher and an angel channeller! And we drink Manhattans! It’s 100% pure fun!
(And if you want even more paranormal thrills, be sure to check out the next issue of prairie dog, which will be hitting newsstands and countertops city wide later this week. We have more on the paranormal fair and we have an interview with someone very amazing.)
Also in this episode, Shane and Aidan have seen Drive. Did they like it? Does a Chevy Malibu have a soul? Can it learn to love? I imagine it must. Why else would people keep them as pets? And what about the Emmys? They’re long over but why did they suck so hard? Aidan has a few ideas.
Ultrasonic Alarm Call Episode 10 — Signal To Noise: At the table, Aidan Morgan (host), Vanda Schmockel, Shane Hnetka, and me. Music by the always excellent Lazy MKs. Runtime 31 min of free-ranging mockery, 11 min 28 sec guilt.o download this episode for your later listening enjoyment, click on the radio above or on the little down arrow in the player window.
To download, click on the radio above and be sure to check out our podcast library here.