1 BRITISH ROYAL VAGINA-BABIES ARE NOW WORTH THE SAME AS PENIS-BABIES And it only took until 2011. Naw, there’s no need for feminism any more.

2 THAT’S A WHOLE LOTTA MONEY PotashCorp had a good third quarter. Like more than $800 million good. Meanwhile, the head of PotashCorp made something like $11 million last year. Which seems kinda like too much.

3 OAKLAND POLICE VIOLATED OWN CROWD CONTROL RULES: CIVIL RIGHTS LAWYER Early Thursday morning, police in Oakland, California fired tear gas and rubber bullets on protesters in the Occupy Oakland movement. A U.S. veteran who was part of the protest suffered a brain injury and has been hospitalized. A civil liberties lawyer is now saying that the police violated their own protocol by not having medical help on site during their raid. It’s all very interesting. Today’s news on this is here.

4 VANCOUVER PLANE WRECKAGE CLEAR A pretty freaking dramatic plane crash happened on a street in Richmond, B.C. yesterday. You can read the latest  here. And the even more latest here.

5 NOTHING TO SUBMARINE HERE Apparently Canada’s navy is NOT getting nuclear submarines. Or IS it???? In any case our current subs suck.

6 CONDOMS FOR SOLDIERS! Hooray for condoms!