I feel lazy today so I’m just going to run the blurb that I wrote on this for our Sept. 22 Fall Arts & Culture issue:
Curtain Razors theatre company under the direction of Michele Sereda kicks off its second season of Moveable Feast with this New York production. It’s co-presented by the University of Regina Theatre Department, and is the creation of video artist Reid Farrington.
Incorporating movement, projection, sound collage and installation, The Passion Project is inspired by Danish filmmaker Carl Dreyer’s 1928 silent film The Passion of Joan of Arc. After the original negative was destroyed in a fire, the film was thought to have been lost. But in the 1980s a print was discovered in a closet in a Norwegian mental hospital.
Farrington’s work, which stars Laura Nicoll, traces the fascinating history of Dreyer’s film, which itself looks at the trial and martyrdom of 15th century French peasant girl Joan of Arc. Claiming to have received divine guidance from God, Joan led the French army to several victories in the Hundred Years War against England. After being captured, she was tried and burned at the stake for heresy at age 19. In 1920, she was canonized by the Catholic Church.
THE PASSION PROJECT runs at the Shu-Box Theatre, University of Regina, Oct. 14-15 at 7:30 p.m. and Oct. 15-16 at 2 p.m. $20 Adults, $15 Students & Seniors. For more info call 522-0080.